

So. You know Pretty Little Heel's summer makeover? Well. I didn't expect this, but I ended up creating an entirely new blog...... I know, I know. It's just a test run, but if you can, go to Heirloom to check it out. Let me know what you think of the blog in the comments below!

I'm hoping Heirloom will be more user friendly and a little bit easier to manage. I only have 2 posts now, but more will be coming.



Gaultier at the De Young

So I visited SanFran this past weekend and took a trip to the De Young Museum to see the Jean Paul Gaultier exhibit. For all of you who don't recognize the name Gaultier, he's is absolutely one of the most iconic fashion designers in the world(hint: Madonna's cone bra- HELLO!) and to see his pieces up close and in person was incredible! Pictures coming soon!


Nothing like a 6 month vacation...

Oh. gosh.

Do I dare count the months since my last post? Frankly, I think I'll go insane if I do.... Anyways, I think I owe you, my lovelies, a big 'ole apology for not keeping up to date with my blogging! What can I say? Life is unpredictable.
So, with that, I have news. This summer, PLH will be undergoing a makeover/reform or whatever you wish to call it....
What's going to be the finished product? Hopefully, a blog that is more user-friendly, updated regularly(I swear I'll try harder!), and full of many more things- which you will have to wait and see!

Start the clocks- the PLH summer makeover starts...NOW


Bahamas  2012 
photo via Pretty Little Heels


Golden Globes

Today's the day! The Beverly Hilton is going to jam-packed with celebrities vying for the award that could possibly send them to the Academy Awards. The red carpet is rolled out and the 120 tables are set for the 5pm show. If you didn't already know,  fans can purchase bleacher seats along the red carpet so they can glimpse their favorite stars walk the red carpet. Unfortunately, these seats sell out months beforehand and costs a ton of money. (So, i suggest looking for deals around summertime) But, either way, the majority of us will be at home watching from our couches, the best seat in the house, I may add!

    I am so psyched to see my favorite celebrities( Zooey Deschanel, Jessica Chastain, Michael Fassbender, and Angelina Jolie, to name a few!) and have decided that somehow I will go the Globes next year!*cue inspirational music* And I will feast on the 23 carat gold covered desserts! And I will walk that darn red carpet! For the meantime, though, my couch seat will suffice.

        5 Hours 15 Minutes 'til Show Time


Oh, the Woes of Being a Blogger

I am probably the biggest procrastinator in the universe. Therefore my blog posts are sporadic and sometimes unsatisfying. I apologize.  Lo siento. Je suis desole. Anyways I have a TON of things I need to post about(and I will, I promise) including Christmas Gifts, The oscars, The golden Globes, my obsession with Gossip Girl(Which premieres on Monday!) And I wanted to start with the Golden Globes, since they air on Sunday! Personally I am so, so psyched for the show! Ricky Gervais will be as crude and hysterical as usual and the fashion- Oh the fashion!- will be fabulous! If you haven't already heard about the food, which you should all read about, its extravagant. Like, 23 carat edible gold extravagant. My invitation must have gotten lost in the mail.... Show Updates coming soon!

Golden Globes: 1 day 7 hours and 49 minutes


To all my Lovely Readers,

I hope every one of you has a very, very Merry Christmas(or Hanukkah!) and a happy New Year! Only 12 hours and 34 minutes left until Xmas! Can't wait to show you what I get! Enjoy all your presents  and eat good food!  Also, make sure to tell me all about your holidays!